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  • Breadrumbs:
  • Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server error '80040e57' String or binary data would be truncated. or The field is too small to accept the amount of data you attempted to add. Try inserting or pasting less data.

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    Share With Friends (Updated 6-8-2010)
  • Article ID:
  • Date Created
    Friday, February 4, 2011
  • Last Updated
    Saturday, June 25, 2011
  • This Article Has been Viewed
    21267 times
  • Short Desc
    If you are inserting data that is larger than the set LENGTH of your data LENGTH. You will receive the following error, The field is too small to accept the amount of data you attempted to add. Try inserting or pasting less data.
  • Details
    If you are trying to INSERT or UPDATE your data Column with data that is longer than your Database COLUMN LENGTH (or) Your Parameterized Query length.

    Both Scenario's can be easily fixed.

    There are 2 Different errors you can get.
    Access Database Error is:
    Microsoft Access Database Engine error '80040e57'
    The field is too small to accept the amount of data you attempted to add. Try inserting or pasting less data.
    /encrypt.asp, line 28

    SQL Server will give the following error
    Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server error '80040e57'
    String or binary data would be truncated.
    /encrypt.asp, line 28
  • Recreate Issue
    This issue will happen if you are trying to INSERT or UPDATE your database Column with a LENGTH that is longer than the set LENGTH either within
    Scenario #1:
    If the length in your Database LENGTH is not set high enough

    Scenario #2:
    If the length in your Paramertized Query is not set high enough to allow for the given data to be passed through.
  • Resolve Issue
    To resolve this issue.

    Scenario #1:
    Make sure that your Database Column's LENGTH is set to a large enough number that will allow for the data to be inserted.

    Scenario #2:
    If you are using Parameterized Queries in your ASP Code, make sure that the database LENGTH column is at a high enough value.
    If you have your Database Column LENGTH set to 25 and you are using MD5, then you are going to have to allow for the length change,
    So: 25 Character LENGTH
    Would become [50]
    insIm.Parameters.Append insIm.CreateParameter("@myPW", adVarChar, adParamInput, 50, getMyPW)